Shaded Haven RV Park
250 Fairfax Road, Bakersfield, CA
- Property TypeManufactured Housing
- Phone(661)366-6700
- DescriptionFAMILY-OWNED AND OPERATEDShaded Haven RV Park is a 24-hour gated monthly community perfect for travelers, retired explorers or working folks who are embracing that independent lifestyle. Shaded Haven lives up to its name and provides outstretched industrial netting to protect you and your RV by offering a safe and comfortable shelter in the heart of Kern County. We provide our guests with 24-hour surveillance, guest check in, 24-hour key card access only, on location propane access, as well as, an onsite superintendent to help assist you with any of your needs. We\'re excited to announce our brand new personal bathrooms, community and gym room. Be our guest & reserve today.
- Property WebsiteView Property Website
Shaded Haven RV Park
250 Fairfax Road #192, Bakersfield, CA
- Sale Price$525.00
- Unit TypeSmall Back In Lot
- Phone(661)366-6700